An easy way to help those most in need this holiday season

Los Angeles County is facing a hunger crisis. With Covid-related job losses mounting, nearly 1 in 4 residents is food insecure. It’s a tough time. But diligent County agencies have met the challenge head on, rallying resources to feed our most vulnerable populations.

Under the #LetsFeedLACounty banner, we’ve already delivered 5 million free meals to those most in need. We’ve provided free food, but we’ve provided hope as well. Now, you can too.

The County has launched a new food drive called #HereForTheHolidays that makes it simple for you to put a celebratory meal on the table of a struggling family.

The winter holidays are a time for giving back. But the pandemic has upended year-end giving. You may not be able to serve a meal at a downtown mission or organize a canned food drive inside your workplace. But you can still do your part.

Working with our partner L.A. Food Bank, we’ve made it simple for you to donate food, time or money. With your help, we are going to feed 100,00 needy L.A. families by year’s end.

Covid has dampened our economy, but the virus can’t kill L.A.’s generous holiday spirit. Together, we can bring a bit of joy to families desperately in need of support. Join us.

No one should go hungry, especially during the holidays. If you need help, please know that Los Angeles County is working hard to support you and your family during the pandemic.

You are not alone. Nearly 1 in 4 residents now faces ongoing food insecurity due to job losses and economic uncertainty brought on by the Covid crisis. Whether it’s connecting you to a local food pantry or helping you enroll for monthly food benefits, we are committed to keeping you and your family fed.

County agencies and nonprofits are collaborating to put a celebratory meal on your table this holiday season. We all need to look out for each other during this difficult time.  We not only want to bring you food, we want to bring you hope. Better days are coming. Until they do, we’ve got your back.

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