Los Angeles County Schools, Nonprofits Receive Tablets for Families
Two-thousand Los Angeles County families will have at-home access to tablets to use for educational activities, thanks to a donation from Amazon.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Safer at Home order, students across Los Angeles County have been attending school remotely. As we move into summer, the need for remote learning continues and the donation of Fire 7 tablets helps ensure families across the County have access to necessary technology.
“It’s a matter of equity that all of our students have access to technology in order to stay on a level playing field with students able to afford computers, tablets and other technology,” said Supervisor Hilda Solis. “I am grateful to Amazon for stepping in and ensuring that 2,000 of our students in need are not left behind as they study and learn at home.”
“Thank you to Amazon and L.A. County Supervisor Hilda Solis for the generous donation of tablets for the children of El Monte. Our Saviour Center will begin using these tablets on Monday, July 6 during our Summer Program,” said Jane Fall, executive director of Our Saviour Center. “Children grades K-8 will easily engage in quality, on-line educational experiences through our regular supervised learning. Additionally, our youth will participate in virtual trips, virtual fitness classes, virtual nutrition workshops and more.”
Access to on-line resources are critical to families throughout Los Angeles County. The digital divide should not impede access to food or other necessary support services during these very difficult times. These tablets will improve child development beyond remote learning by also connecting families with mentors and healthcare providers that can offer virtual assessments by viewing body language and sharing coping skills through relationship building.
“As students connect, learn, and grow using technology to ensure their health and safety, I’m immensely thankful Amazon generously donated 500 tablets to our Antelope Valley community as a gift to foster youth and their families,” said Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Chair of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. “Antelope Valley Partners for Health and other local organizations will identify and distribute these valuable resources, which will help families in need and equip youth with tools to succeed.”
“The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating the challenges that many families in the Antelope Valley already face when connecting to vital supports. Ensuring that our most vulnerable school aged children have a device to access the internet is more than an education issue, it is a child development issue as well,” said Roxana Martinez, from First 5 LA, representing the Antelope Valley Resource Infusion, a collaborative working to increase resources in the area. “Students are now engaging virtually not only to attend classes, but to access life-skills workshops, connect their family to critical resources, and communicate with adult supports and mentors. These tablets will allow for virtual interaction that can help deepen connections in the absence of in-person interaction and help them to develop the life skills necessary to thrive in this world.”
“We are humbled by the work Los Angeles County is doing to help community members during these challenging times and we are glad to support their efforts by donating Fire 7 tablets,” said Marc Whitten, vice president Amazon Entertainment Devices and Services. “We are hopeful these devices can help students and families continue learning and ensure they are able to stay connected to community support services.”
The 2,000 tablets will be distributed as follows:
- Antelope Valley Partners for Health (AVPH will manage the distribution of tablets across the Antelope Valley in coordination with the local Departments of Children and Family Services)
- Bassett Parent Center (Bassett Unified School District)
- Bell Gardens Neighborhood Youth Center
- Boyle Heights Beat
- Casa Cultural Saybrook
- East Los Angeles Community Youth Center
- ELAC (South Gate Satellite Campus)
- La Causa YouthBuild
- Los Angeles Conservation Corps
- Los Angeles County Office of Education
- Our Saviour Center
- Pomona Economic Opportunity Center
- Project Caring & Sharing
- Prototypes
- Spiritt Family Services
- SBCC Thrive
- The Whole Child
The organizations will distribute the tablets to families participating in their programs.