
COVID-19: Medical Sheltering at the Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites

Who decides who gets medically sheltered at the Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites?

Referrals to these sites are made by the Los Angeles County Department of Public
Health (DPH). Walk-ups or individuals who self-identify themselves as needing medical sheltering are not accepted.

Who is eligible to be medically sheltered at the Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites?

The only clients allowed to stay here are:

  1. Clients who have tested positive for COVID-19; or
  2. Clients who show symptoms of COVID-19 (for example have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing) and/or are waiting for their test results.

This location, as with the other County contracted medical sheltering sites, will accept individuals from the local community that are referred through DPH. The socio-economic status of individuals needing medical sheltering is not a determining factor in terms of who gets placed.

How can a member of the public get tested for COVID-19Arp?

Los Angeles County has drive-up mobile testing sites for the public. Follow these steps if you are interested in being tested:

  • Register on the screening website, coronavirus.lacity.org/Testing.
  • Answer basic questions including name, date of birth, address, and whether you are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing.
  • The website (in real time) determines your testing eligibility and will identify the nearest testing site.
  • If you are eligible, you will receive a registration number by email. You will need to bring this registration number to the test site.

If you do not have access to the Internet or a computer, dial 2-1-1 for help making an appointment. If you do not have access to a vehicle, you can still be tested, as long as you have an appointment. Testing sites can accommodate pedestrians. There are, however, NO walk-up appointments. For a full list of locations and answers to questions about testing, go to covid19.lacounty.gov .

How are clients transported here?

The Department of Health Services’ Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is handling transportation of clients to the medical shelters and to hospitals when critical needs arise.

What is the intake process like?

Each client is first interviewed by medical personnel onsite before they are escorted to their room. Medical personnel are managing this process directly onsite.

What is the medical sheltering capacity at the Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites?

Currently, it has approximately 90 rooms available for medical sheltering.

Are medical sheltering clients from Dockweiler RV Park being sent to the Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites?

Approximately 15 clients from the Dockweiler medical shelter were transferred to the Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites. These clients have a higher level of medical needs, but do not meet the threshold for hospitalization. Moving these clients will provide a more stable environment.

Who is staffing this medical shelter?

The Department of Health Services (DHS) Housing for Health, in partnership with other providers, will provide medical care onsite. County staff will provide management and staff which will support onsite logistics. Other wraparound services that are provided include meal delivery, sanitation, laundry and mental health support.

How is the Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites being secured during its use as a medical shelter?

The County has contracted with private security firms to provide 24/7 security, ensuring the health and safety of the clients and staff.

Can clients staying at the Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites medical sheltering site come and go? Are they able to leave the hotel?

No, clients assigned to medical sheltering must remain in quarantine or must self-isolate. Clients in the facility have either tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results and currently exhibiting symptoms -- but their symptoms are still mild enough to not merit hospitalization.

The main goal of COVID-19 medical shelters is to provide a safe place where clients can both recover from symptoms and also isolate themselves so that they do not spread the coronavirus to others. All clients will not be allowed to leave the area until after their isolation or quarantine period ends.

What about client discharge and post-care?

Onsite medical personnel will monitor each client’s case and approve discharge when they are no longer at-risk of being contagious to other people. Support service providers will be onsite to help ensure people experiencing homelessness have access to housing accommodations once they are discharged.

How long will the Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites serve as a medical sheltering site?

The County has a two-month lease to use it, with the option to negotiate extensions of the lease.

Why do we need this medical sheltering site in Bell Gardens?

Self-isolation and self-quarantine are our most effective strategies in slowing the spread of this virus and protecting our families and our communities. Residents of LA County and Southeast LA neighborhoods need and deserve a safe space where they can recover from COVID-19 while receiving medical care. The Bell Gardens medical sheltering site offers residents an opportunity to heal safely from this virus while remaining in close proximity to their families and communities.

After surveying hundreds of potential locations for additional medical shelters, and opening several sites in the last several weeks, the County has identified Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites as a necessary location for another medical sheltering site in its network. It meets several immediate needs of the County, including its geographic location, facility footprint and site amenities, and the opportunity to support a local hotel business.

Are more medical shelters, similar to the Bell Gardens Quality Inn and Suites, being set up throughout the County, including the Southeast Los Angeles area?

Yes, the County of Los Angeles is establishing additional medical sheltering beds for people who either have been exposed to COVID-19 or who health authorities have determined need to self-isolate or self-quarantine but cannot do so in their own home. Approximately 900 medical sheltering beds are now available for people in need. If you are a hotel or motel operator interested in partnering with the County and willing to provide your facility as a COVID-19 medical shelter, please visit our website, doingbusiness.lacounty.gov . The County has created this website to quickly identify and engage interested hotel/motel operators in the COVID-19 response.

¿Quién decide quién queda médicamente protegido en el Bell Gardens Quality Inn Suites?

Las referencias a estos sitios son hechas por el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Los Ángeles (conocido por sus siglas en inglés como DPH). No se aceptan individuos sin cita previa o personas que se autoidentifican como personas que necesitan refugio médico.

¿Quién es elegible para ser médicamente protegido en el Bell Gardens Quality Inn Suites?

Los únicos clientes que pueden quedarse aquí son:

  1. Clientes que resultaron positivos para COVID-19; o
  2. Clientes que muestran síntomas de COVID-19 (por ejemplo, fiebre, tos o dificultad para respirar) y / o están esperando los resultados de sus pruebas.

Esta ubicación, igual como los otros sitios de refugio médico contratados por el Condado, aceptará personas de la comunidad local que sean derivadas a través de DPH. El estado socioeconómico de las personas que necesitan refugio médico no es un factor determinante en términos de quién se coloca.

¿Cómo se transportan los clientes aquí?

El Departamento de Servicios de Salud (conocido por sus siglas en inglés como DHS), a través de la agencia Servicios Médicos de Emergencia, maneja el transporte de clientes a los refugios médicos y hospitales cuando surgen necesidades críticas.

¿Cómo es el proceso de admisión?

Cada cliente es entrevistado primero por el personal médico en el sitio antes de ser escoltados a su habitación. El personal médico gestiona este proceso directamente en el sitio.

¿Cuál es la capacidad de refugio médico en el Bell Gardens Quality Inn Suites?

Hay aproximadamente 90 habitaciones disponibles para refugio médico.

¿Se está enviando a los clientes de refugio médico de Dockweiler RV Park a Bell Gardens Quality Inn Suites?

Aproximadamente 15 clientes del refugio médico Dockweiler han sido transferidos al Bell Gardens Quality Inn Suites. Estos clientes tienen un mayor nivel de necesidades médicas, pero no alcanzan el tope de hospitalización. Mover a los clientes proporcionará un entorno más estable.

¿Quién es el personal de este refugio médico?

El Departamento de Servicios de Salud (DHS) Housing for Health, en colaboración con otros proveedores, brindará atención médica en el sitio. El personal del Condado proporcionará servicios de administración y personal que respalda la logística en el sitio. Otros servicios integrales que se proporcionan incluyen entrega de comidas, saneamiento, lavandería y apoyo de salud mental.

¿Cómo se asegura el Bell Gardens Quality Inn Suites durante su uso como refugio médico?

El Condado ha contratado firmas de seguridad privadas para proporcionar seguridad las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, garantizando la salud y seguridad de los clientes y el personal.

¿Los clientes que se alojan en el sitio de refugio médico Bell Gardens Quality Inn Suites van y vienen?

No, los clientes asignados a refugios médicos tienen que quedarse en cuarentena o aislados. Los clientes en el instalación han dado positivo por COVID-19 o están a la espera de los resultados de la prueba y actualmente presentan síntomas, pero sus síntomas aún son lo suficientemente leves como para ameritar la hospitalización.

El objetivo principal de los refugios médicos COVID-19 es proporcionar un lugar seguro donde los clientes puedan recuperarse de los síntomas y también aislarse para que no transmitan el coronavirus a otros. No se permitirá que todos los clientes abandonen el área hasta que finalice su período de cuarentena.

¿Qué pasa con el alta del cliente y el cuidado posterior?

El personal médico en el lugar supervisará el caso de cada cliente y aprobará el dar el alta cuando ya no corran el riesgo de contagiar a otras personas. Los proveedores de servicios de apoyo estarán en el lugar para ayudar a garantizar que las personas que están experimentando indigencia tengan acceso a alojamiento una vez que se les dé de alta.

¿Por cuánto tiempo servirá el Bell Gardens Quality Inn Suites como un lugar de refugio médico?

El Condado tiene un contrato de arrendamiento de dos meses para usarlo, con la opción de negociar extensiones del contrato.

¿Se están creando más refugios médicos, similares a el Bell Gardens Quality Inn Suites, en todo el Condado?

Sí, el Condado de Los Ángeles está estableciendo camas de refugio médico adicionales para personas que han estado expuestas al COVID-19 o que las autoridades de salud han determinado que necesitan aislarse o ponerse en cuarentena, pero no pueden hacerlo en su propia casa. Aproximadamente 900 camas de refugio médico están disponibles para personas necesitadas.

Si usted es un operador de hotel o motel interesado en asociarse con el Condado y está dispuesto a proporcionar su instalación como un refugio médico de COVID-19, visite doingbusiness.lacounty.gov. El Condado ha creado este sitio web para identificar e involucrar rápidamente a los operadores de hoteles / moteles interesados en la respuesta al COVID-19.

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