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Due to extreme heat and holiday this weekend, testing sites will be operating on modified schedules.

The following LA County-operated testing sites will be open on Monday, Sept. 7th:

  • Beach Cities Health District - 514 N Prospect Ave., Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (normal hours)
  • College of the Canyons - 26455 Rockwell Canyon Rd., Santa Clarita, CA 91355 (modified hours 8:00am – 2:00pm)
  • Downey – Rancho Los Amigos South Campus - 12840 Dahlia Ave., Downey, CA 90242 (normal hours)
  • Palmdale Hammack Center - 815 E Avenue Q6, Palmdale CA 93550 (modified hours 8:00am – 12:00pm)
  • Panorama City - 14665 Roscoe Blvd. Panorama City, CA 91402 (normal hours)
  • Pomona Fairplex Gate 17 - 1101 W. McKinley Ave. Pomona, CA 91768 (modified hours 8:00am – 2:00pm)
  • San Gabriel Valley Airport - 4233 Santa Anita Ave., El Monte, CA 91731 (modified hours 8:00am – 2:00pm)
  • South Gate Park - 9615 Pinehurst Ave, South Gate, CA 90280 (normal hours)

All State-operated testing sites will be closed on Monday, Sept. 7th

Select LA County – operated testing sites will be closed on Monday Sept. 7th:

  • Bellflower City Hall
  • East LA College
  • The Forum
  • MLK Medical Campus
  • Montebello Civic Center

All LA City-operated drive through testing sites will also be closed on Saturday, Sept 5th and Monday, Sept. 7th due to the extreme heat and to ensure the safety of testing site staff and volunteers.  LA City mobile testing sites will be in operation on Saturday, Sept 5th at Liberty Park in Koreatown and the Downtown L.A. Medical Center. For more information, visit

Testing is now widely available within the provider community.  Residents who have a regular source of care should first seek testing from their healthcare provider if they are symptomatic or have a known positive exposure. Those without a regular provider can call the County’s 2-1-1 information line for assistance.

Appointments at testing sites are required.  LA County residents who would like to make an appointment or check for availability at testing sites offered in the County, including select CVS, Rite-Aid and other community-based testing sites should visit or call 2-1-1.

LA County continues to see transmission of COVID-19 and all residents are urged to celebrate the holiday safely by avoiding large gatherings, practicing physical distancing, wearing face coverings when in public, frequently washing hands and adhering to public health guidance. More information and resources are available at




Los Angeles County is moving forward with new plans for reopening a couple of sectors, given its steady progress in slowing the spread of COVID-19.

Providing educational services to students most in need is a priority, as they most benefit from on campus support. On September 14th, Los Angeles County will allow schools to offer on campus services for small, stable, cohorts of K-12 students who need learning support, including children with special needs that have an Individualized Education Plan and are English Learners. Waivers for this are not required, but schools must submit to the Department of Public Health an operational plan and they must comply with Health Officer Order guidance and protocols in order to serve students. Those receiving services are required to maintain small group cohorts of no more than 12 students and two supervisors and it will be a stable group of people to maintain safety for both students and teachers.

Effective today, hair salons and barbershops can reopen immediately at 25% occupancy for indoor services as long as they have infection control safeguards in place and comply with the County’s Health Officer Order (HOO) Reopening Protocols for Hair Salons and Barbershops, which require physical distancing and face coverings for both employees and customers. As permitted by the state, hair salons and barbershops are encouraged to maintain as many operations outdoors as possible.

The updated Health Officer Order and protocols will be on Public Health’s website later today.

All other prior restrictions will remain at this time.

Protecting Los Angeles County residents and workers while reopening remains our number one priority. If at any time the County’s rate of infection and other key metrics return to unsafe levels, the County will reassess and take appropriate action.

Los Angeles County’s Reopening Protocols, COVID-19 Surveillance Interactive Dashboard, Roadmap to Recovery, Recovery Dashboard, and additional things you can do to protect yourself, your family, and your community can be found here.

In the coming weeks, we will continue to diligently monitor critical COVID-19 public health indicators while simultaneously evaluating our County’s ability to responsibly and safely expand our efforts to reopen schools and the economy. It is critical that all Los Angeles County residents stay the course — continue wearing face coverings, hand-wash, observe physical distancing and avoid gatherings with individuals outside of your household, especially as we head into the Labor Day holiday weekend.

Covid-19 Crisis Points To The Need For Everyone In L.A. County To Complete The Census 1024 512 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Covid-19 Crisis Points To The Need For Everyone In L.A. County To Complete The Census

Covid-19 Crisis Points to the Need For Everyone In L.A. County To Complete The Census

Health officials sound the alarm that current low census response rates put L.A. County at risk of losing out on federal funding to respond to emergencies like COVID-19 for the next ten years

Los Angeles County health leaders urged residents to complete the 2020 Census, highlighting the COVID-19 crisis as an example of how important federal funding is to maintaining a strong local health care system. An accurate count is essential because the census influences billions of dollars in federal funding that helps patients access health care services, as well as funding for substance use disorder treatment and prevention, schools, support for people who lose their jobs and services for seniors.

“To help fight COVID-19, we not only need people to wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing—they should also make sure they are counted in the census. Not completing the census could deprive L.A. County of the very resources we need to fight the pandemic and other diseases that have life-or-death consequences in our community. It takes only ten minutes to fill out the census, and you can do it right from home on your computer or phone,” L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.Ed., said. “We all lose if our residents don’t take part. Not completing the census is like throwing away money that we desperately need to protect the health and well-being of our communities and families.”

Census forms can be completed online at, by phone at 844-330-2020 or by mail if you receive a paper form. The L.A. County 2020 Census website at offers county-specific information in 16 languages. The U.S. 2020 Census website offers general information in 59 languages including in-language guides.

As part of the County’s census outreach campaign, posters and flyers are being placed at COVID-19 testing sites to educate and urge residents to respond to the census immediately.

“We’re happy that residents taking advantage of our expanding network of community-based COVID-19 testing sites will also be able to learn how important the census is to all of us in L.A. County,” L.A. County Health Services Director Christina Ghaly, M.D., said. “Filling out the census means we can all contribute to our communities’ future health and resilience.”

L.A. County’s census response rate is 58.6 percent as of July 23. This is significantly behind California’s overall 63.6 percent response rate, and far behind L.A. County’s goal of 100 percent participation.

In response to the evolving situation around COVID-19, the U.S. Census Bureau extended the official deadline to participate in the census. The last day for households to respond online, by phone or by mail is October 31.

Completing the census is private. Responses are protected by federal law, specifically Title 13 of the United States Code. They cannot be shared with any other government agencies or other entities, including your landlord.

The U.S. Constitution mandates a census of the nation’s population every 10 years. Census statistics are used to determine the number of seats each state holds in Congress and how much in federal funding is allocated to state and local communities for the next 10 years. Local government officials use the census to plan new schools and hospitals. Businesses use census data to decide where to build factories, offices and stores, which creates jobs. Real estate developers and city planners use the census to plan new homes and improve neighborhoods. Residents use the census to support community initiatives involving legislation, quality-of-life and consumer advocacy.


About the County of Los Angeles’s “Be Counted” Campaign

An accurate 2020 Census is essential to ensure fair political representation and maintain an equitable distribution of formula-based federal funding for projects and social service programs. Los Angeles County’s Census goal is that every resident is informed about, has access to and completes the 2020 Census survey. For more information, visit

What L.A. County Residents and Employers Need to Know About COVID-19 Testing Now 599 133 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

What L.A. County Residents and Employers Need to Know About COVID-19 Testing Now

What L.A. County Residents and Employers Need to Know About COVID-19 Testing Now

As cases and hospitalizations rise, many residents believe they need to get tested for COVID-19. However, Los Angeles County health officials stress that not everyone needs to be tested and emphasize the basic ways individuals and businesses can and should protect themselves from this virus.

Here are 10 tips to keep in mind as we navigate this dynamic situation together:

  1. At this point in this rapidly-evolving crisis, it is important to reserve testing for those who have a medical or public health reason for it. While Los Angeles County currently has enough testing supplies to meet the needs of those who need to be tested, the number of COVID-19 cases are on the rise here and throughout the country. Let’s work together to reserve testing for those with a medical or public health need.
  2. The common-sense rules still apply. Here are the most important things we as individuals and community members can do to slow the spread of COVID-19.
    • Stay home as much as possible.
    • Leave home only for essential activities like work, medical appointments and grocery shopping.
    • Wear a cloth face covering when you’re out in public.
    • Stay at least six feet apart from people you don’t live with.
    • Wash your hands thoroughly and often, and don’t touch your face.
  3. Check with a health care provider if you think you need to get tested. It’s always best to work with your health care professional to determine the kind of care you need—just as you would with any other health care concern. Unless you have specific symptoms, exposures or risk factors, you may not need to be tested, and your health care provider can talk with you about your concerns and help determine if you need to be tested. If you don’t have a doctor, call 211 to get a referral.
  4. Know your risk level. According to the latest Public Health guidance, highest priority for testing should go to people with symptomsincluding hospitalized patients, healthcare workers, first responders, employees and residents in group living settings, and people over 65 years old or with underlying health conditions that place them at higher risk of serious complications. Asymptomatic people— those without symptoms—also should be prioritized for testing if they are part of a public health investigation, if they live or work in high risk settings, such as skilled nursing facilities or homeless shelters, if they are a close contact of someone with a confirmed positive diagnosis of COVID-19, or if they are an essential worker.

Prioritization of routine testing among other asymptomatic people is not recommended at this time. People over the age of 65 or with underlying conditions do not necessarily need to be tested unless they have symptoms, have had an exposure or have been told by public health to be tested. Once again, please check with your healthcare provider about your specific situation and let their medical advice guide you.

  1. Employers should not require a negative COVID-19 test result before employees return to work, and employees do not need to present a certificate saying they have tested negative, under the current guidance from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
  2. Employers can offer and pay for COVID-19 testing as an occupational health and safety measure if an employer wishes to have its workforce get tested before returning to a work site. These employees should not seek a test at the City/County/State testing sites, which should be reserved for those who meet the medical or public health criteria for testing, and who do not have access to testing through their regular provider or health plan.
  3. Healthcare providers are required by a recent L.A. County Health Officer Order to provide their patients with access to COVID testing if they are symptomatic, are part of a public health investigation, or have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 infected person. The Health Officer order also encourages providers to bill private insurance plans for these services whenever possible. Patients are not allowed to be charged by their plan or provider for COVID-19 tests. Obtaining testing through a patient’s regular provider network helps to assure tailored clinical advice and facilitates good follow-up in the case of positive results.
  4. A COVID-19 test does not protect you from the virus, and a negative result should not be seen as a reason to engage in risky social behavior. A COVID-19 test does not guarantee that you do not have the virus; a false- negative test is possible. Also, even when accurate, a test result only reflects whether you have the virus at the moment you took the test. You could become positive at any time and an exposure to COVID-19 could happen immediately following your test.
  5. Don’t panic. Although rising case numbers and hospitalizations are cause for concern, we can still turn this around by following the common-sense steps listed above. Los Angeles County came together to flatten the curve earlier in this pandemic, even when testing was much more limited than it is today, and we can do it again. We are still in a phased reopening, with many more options for safe recreation available, and it’s up to all of us to behave in ways that enable us to move forward, instead of taking a step back.
  6. More testing capacity is on the way. Appointments may be limited at testing sites due to increased demand. The County and the City of Los Angeles are adding capacity at existing sites, as well as standing up new County- and City-funded sites in high-need communities in the weeks to come. Learn more here.

Remember: Regardless of test results, you still need to follow quarantine and isolation orders from Public Health or your provider. If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, you need to self-quarantine for 14 days, even if you test negative during that time. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, you should self- isolate in order to prevent spread of the virus to others and follow these steps:

  • Keep your physician informed of your symptoms and consult with your provider about getting tested.
  • If you are elderly or have an underlying health condition, seek medical care.
  • If you don’t have a physician, call 211 to get connected to one.
  • If you are having trouble breathing or have other severe symptoms, dial 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency department immediately.
Small Business Owners in LA County Affected by Civil Unrest Now Eligible for Disaster Assistance Loans 873 489 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Small Business Owners in LA County Affected by Civil Unrest Now Eligible for Disaster Assistance Loans

Small Business Owners in LA County Affected by Civil Unrest Now Eligible for Disaster Assistance Loans

Disaster recovery loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) are now available to Los Angeles County businesses who suffered physical damage or economic injury due to the civil unrest incidents that began on May 26, 2020.

Businesses of all sizes and private nonprofit organizations may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory and other business assets. SBA low interest loans can also help businesses with the cost of improvements to protect, prevent or minimize the same type of disaster damage from occurring in the future.

There are two important deadlines to apply for assistance from SBA. Business owners must file an application by August 17, 2020 for property damage applications and by March 17, 2021 for economic injury applications. There are several ways to apply:

  • Complete an application online at
  • Call SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email for more information on SBA disaster assistance.
  • Individuals who are deaf or hard‑of‑hearing may call (800) 877-8339.

The SBA is also offering assistance through their Virtual Disaster Loan Outreach Center at SBA disaster loans are only available for damages and losses due to the civil unrest that began May 26, 2020, and not for COVID-19 related losses.

If you need assistance with your application, visit the Los Angeles County Disaster Help Center at Interested applicants who do not have access to the internet, have limited computer proficiency or speak languages other than English may contact LA County’s Disaster Help Center at (833) 238-4450. Multilingual business counselors are standing by to assist business owners in completing applications Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Economic injury disaster loans help meet working capital needs such as purchasing inventory, supplies and covering day-to-day expenses like rent and payroll. Economic injury assistance is available regardless of whether the business has suffered any property damage or not.

Interest rates can be as low as 3 percent for businesses, and 2.75 percent for private nonprofit organizations with terms up to 30 years. Loan amounts and terms are set by SBA and are based on each applicant’s financial condition.

LA County Announces Nail Salons, Spas, Tattoo Shops, Casinos, Bars and Wineries Reopening with Safeguards 1024 634 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

LA County Announces Nail Salons, Spas, Tattoo Shops, Casinos, Bars and Wineries Reopening with Safeguards

LA County Announces Nail Salons, Spas, Tattoo Shops, Casinos, Bars and Wineries Reopening with Safeguards

Los Angeles County is moving forward in its Roadmap to Recovery by reopening additional personal and recreational services to residents including nail salons, bars and casinos.

Although overall case counts are increasing as testing becomes more widespread and there is more community transmission, the County continues to see steady decreases in the rate of COVID-19 infections and virus-related hospitalizations and deaths.

Today, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) announced that the Health Officer Order will be modified to include infection control and distancing requirements for re-opening the following sectors on Friday, June 19:

  • Nail salons
  • Cosmetology services
  • Spas offering aesthetic and massage services
  • Tattoo and piercing shops
  • Tanning salons
  • Casinos, card rooms and satellite wagering sites
  • Bar and wineries not anchored to food services

These businesses will be able to open, in some cases at limited capacity, once they have the appropriate infection control and distancing requirements in place.

In addition, protests and faith-based services held outdoors will no longer have limits on how many people can participate, starting Friday.

Public health guidance documents will be posted here as soon as they are available:

The County continues to actively monitor the spread of the virus and the capacity of the healthcare system to provide residents with essential services. COVID-19 is still present in Los Angeles County, and the threat of this deadly virus remains.

However, the County is in line with State of California guidelines, and our key metrics reflect that compliance. Los Angeles County’s seven-day death average has not increased, the three-day hospitalization average is down five percent and the seven-day testing average is well above the State’s requirement at 17,000 tests conducted per day.

In addition, the positivity rate is eight percent, which is in line with the State’s requirements.

Detailed data and metrics on the reopening guidelines can be found here.

Los Angeles County remains in Phase 3 of the State’s Resilience Roadmap.

Residents must continue to practice physical distancing, wear cloth face coverings and follow Public Health directives.

If at any time the County’s rate of infection and other key metrics demonstrate a rapid acceleration of new cases that threatens to overwhelm the healthcare system, the Public Health and the Board of Supervisors may need to limit future re-openings or close reopened sectors.

Getting a manicure, a massage or a tattoo, or going to a card room will be a different experience than it was before the pandemic. Each sector reopening will have strict infection control directives in place.  Please see below for highlights from each sector.

Just as is required for all out-of-home activities, visitors and staff will have to practice physical distancing and wear cloth face coverings. There will be limited capacity and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures. People feeling sick should stay home.

These additional re-openings follow other significant elements of the economy and community that have begun reopening and operating with limits and safeguards, including gyms, day camps, museums, spectator-free sports, hair salons, barber shops, religious services, retail, restaurants, beaches and trails.

Still closed are movie theaters, live performance theaters, entertainment centers, concert halls and venues, stadiums, arenas, gaming facilities, theme parks, lounges and nightclubs, hot tubs, steam rooms and saunas not located on a residential property and festivals. Click here for a detailed list of what is currently open and closed in L.A. County.

Click here for frequently asked questions by residents about resuming the use of previously closed sectors.

The plans for reopening are part of a phased progression that provides residents, employees and customers with safety protections to slow the spread of COVID-19.


At a Glance: Highlights of the Guidelines for Reopening

  • All employees and customers will be screened for symptoms, including cough and fever. Anyone feeling unwell should stay home.
  • Customers must wear a face covering at all times, unless exempted for a particular service.
  • Physical distancing must be maintained and capacity will be limited.
  • Waiting rooms will be limited or closed and amenities, such as magazines, will be removed.
  • Reservations are required for personal services.
  • Contactless forms of payments are encouraged.

Additional information for individual sectors:

Nail Services

  • Staff must wear a cloth face covering at all times. Staff may be required to wear a respirator, which is necessary when ventilation is insufficient to reduce exposure below permissible exposure limits established in state code.
  • For certain procedures workers may need to wear, in addition to their face covering, a face shield and gloves.
  • You may not receive multiple services, for example a manicure and a pedicure, at the same time.
  • Reservations are required.

Esthetician, Skin Care, Electrolysis and Cosmetology Services

  • Customers must wear face coverings at all times while in the facility, except when the face covering must be removed for the performance of services involving that part of the face.
  • In addition to face coverings, staff are required to wear a face shield when they are providing services that do not enable the client to wear a face covering. Staff should also wear disposable gloves throughout the entire esthetic service.

Massage Services

  • Staff must wash their hands before any services are provided.
  • Customers must wear face coverings during the entirety of the massage service.
  • Hand treatments will be provided as the last part of the service.

Tattoo and Piercing Services

  • Gloves are required throughout the tattoo and piercing sessions.
  • Mouth/nose area piercings and tattooing are suspended.

Card rooms

  • Occupancy is limited to 50%, and food and beverages are only allowed at restaurants and bars.

Bars and wineries

  • Bars and wineries may serve only alcohol and the establishment does not need to be affiliated with food services, as the previous order required.
  • Customers will not be able to order drinks at the bar or counter.
  • Capacity is limited to 50% and customers will need to be seated to order and consume beverages.

No entertainment is allowed.

At a Glance: Highlights of the Guidelines for Reopening

Gyms and fitness facilities

  • Employees and customers will be screened for symptoms, including cough and fever. Gym-goers feeling unwell should reschedule their appointment.
  • Staff must wear a cloth face covering at all times.
  • Gym-goers must wear a cloth face covering when entering and exiting the gym and it is recommended that they be worn while exercising in the gym.
  • Physical distancing must be maintained and equipment may be rearranged to allow for that.
  • Reservations for time at the gym are recommended as occupancy will be limited.
  • Equipment must be cleaned before and after each use with provided disinfecting wipes or the gym must provide “ready to clean” tags for staff to clean equipment after each use.
  • Personal trainers must maintain six feet of distance from their clients and wear a face covering. Clients are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering while receiving instruction
  • Group training class sizes will be limited to ensure a minimum of six feet of physical distance between patrons. Group exercise classes can only be offered if distancing requirements can be maintained and there is no person to-person physical contact.
  • High contact programs that require close contact less than six feet in distance are not allowed.
  • Pools at fitness facilities may reopen once employees properly clean and disinfect for use in accordance with Center for Disease Control guidelines.
  • Saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs remain closed.

Day camps

  • Employees and campers will be screened for symptoms, including fever. Each campers’ temperature will be taken before camp begins. Campers feeling unwell should stay home.
  • Physical distancing measures will be in place.
  • Staff must wear cloth face coverings and campers are encouraged to wear cloth face coverings.
  • Outdoor activities are encouraged
  • Campers should bring their own meals, when possible.

Museums, galleries, zoos and aquariums

  • Interactive exhibits will be closed.
  • Capacity will be limited.
  • Tours and live presentations in confined areas, such as an animal show, must only include members of the same household.

Campgrounds, RV parks and outdoor recreation

  • Plan ahead. Make reservations and purchase permits, firewood, ice and other items online or by phone before arriving on site.
  • Be prepared to be as self-contained and self-sufficient as possible. Bring everything you may need, including soap, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, paper towels/hand towels, and toilet paper. Bring your own sports equipment, towels, first aid supplies, and other items needed for outdoor recreation, whenever possible.
  • Visitors should bring plastic tablecloths for picnic tables that can be disposed of or taken back home for washing.
  • Set up your campsite or picnic areas with maximum distance from adjacent campsites and picnic sites that host people from different households.
  • Many programs and facilities will be canceled or closed, so visitors should check online resources for updated information about rule changes and closures to know what to expect upon arrival. Playgrounds and other common spaces will be closed.
  • Leave furniture, such as picnic tables and chairs, where they were found as park staff may have appropriately spaced these items to encourage physical distancing.
  • Pack up what you pack in to keep campsite staff safe.

Professional sports without live audiences

  • All staff will be required to wear masks, follow physical distancing guidelines and be screened for symptoms before work.
  • Athletes and staff must not have had signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days or close contact with anyone who is sick within 14 days of beginning group training.
  • Athletes must wear face coverings at all times other than while exercising.
  • Physical distancing should be practiced to the extent possible on the field/in-game play and in training, though guidelines may be adjusted subject to limitations of competition and the fundamentals of certain sports.
  • Broadcasters will have to practice physical distancing and camera placements will be different than pre-COVID-19.

Hotels, lodging and short-term rentals for tourism and individual travel)

  • Employees, including housekeeping, must wear face coverings and limit touching guests’ belongings.
  • Guests will be screened for symptoms. People experiencing symptoms will not be allowed an overnight stay. Guests who feel sick should not travel or stay in a hotel.
  • Stringent cleaning and laundry protocols will be in place to protect staff and guests.
  • Reusable materials in rooms, such as magazines, menus and local attraction details, will be removed.
  • Rooms should be left vacant 24 to 72 hours after a guest has departed for proper cleaning.
  • In the event of a presumptive case of COVID-19, the guest’s room will be removed from service and quarantined. In the event of a positive case, the room should only be returned to service after undergoing a deep cleaning in accordance with Center for Disease Control guidelines.
  • Property managers, timeshare operators, and other rental unit owners and operators must only rent unoccupied units and cannot rent rooms or spaces within an occupied residence.
  • Saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs will remain closed.
Update on County-Run COVID-19 Testing Sites 1024 661 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Update on County-Run COVID-19 Testing Sites

Update on County-Run COVID-19 Testing Sites

Unfortunately, the operations of some county testing sites are impacted due to the current State of Emergency in Los Angeles County.

The following testing sites are closed today, June 1st:

  • All the AltaMed Testing Sites located at the following addresses:
    • AltaMed - 1724 Pennsylvania Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90033
    • AltaMed - 972 Goodrich Blvd., Commerce, CA 90022
    • AltaMed - 8627 Atlantic Ave., South Gate, CA 90280
    • AltaMed - Sunset Ave., West Covina, CA 91790
    • AltaMed - 2040 Camfield Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90040
    • AltaMed - 6336 Passons Blvd., Pico Rivera, CA 90660
  • Long Beach City College - 1305 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Long Beach, CA 90806.
  • City of Bell - 6480-6410 Atlantic Ave., Bell, CA 90203 closed at 11am today.
  • Cedars-Sinai Medical Center - 8730 Alden Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90059 closing at 1pm.
  • OptumServe operated sites that will close at 3pm:
  • Santa Monica Airport - 2800 Airport Ave.Santa Monica, CA  90405 is closing at 3pm.
  • West Jordan High School - 171 W. Bort St., Long Beach, CA 90805
  • South Bay Galleria - 1815 Hawthorne Blvd., Redondo Beach, CA 90278
  • Charles R. Drew University Campus - 1731 E 120th St. Los Angeles, CA 90059 – will be closing today at 3:00 p.m.

At all testing sites that are closed today, all patients who had registered for an appointment are being notified by email or receiving a phone call if they do not have an email to reschedule.

Additional sites may close in order to adhere to local curfews as they are determined throughout the day. Closures to any additional County-run or County-partnered testing sites will be updated on the County’s testing website,  Residents are encouraged to visit the website for the most updated list of testing sites any and changes to operational hours.

“Los Angeles County is in the midst of fighting an unprecedented pandemic while also facing a State of Emergency that impacts public safety. Public health remains a key concern and testing remains a priority as we continue to battle the coronavirus. We need to ensure our testing sites are safe for both patients and staff,” said Christina Ghaly, Director LA County Department of Health Services.

Strategic leader named to oversee County housing response for vulnerable populations during COVID-19 876 464 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Strategic leader named to oversee County housing response for vulnerable populations during COVID-19

Strategic leader named to oversee County housing response for vulnerable populations during COVID-19

Los Angeles County has named Tiana Murillo, head of the Chief Executive Office’s Strategic Integration Branch, to oversee and coordinate urgent, multifaceted efforts underway to temporarily house people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 crisis.

Murillo was selected by CEO Sachi A. Hamai to coordinate and lead County departments and the Homeless Initiative, and coordinate among partners including the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, to put urgently-needed solutions into place in real time.

Initiatives under her direct supervision include:

  • Medical sheltering for people, including those experiencing homelessness, who have been exposed to the virus and need a place to self-isolate or quarantine
  • Project Roomkey, which makes it possible for vulnerable people in high-risk groups to come inside and be “Safer at Home” during the crisis

Together, these programs have temporarily housed more than 900 individuals since the onset of the crisis, with more sites and capacity being added daily. Beyond providing urgently-needed humanitarian assistance, these programs are also essential to curb the spread of the virus and protect the capacity of the health care system.

“We are working at an unprecedented pace to build a network of temporary sheltering solutions throughout the County—to make sure that people experiencing homelessness, and the community at large, are protected,” said Kathryn Barger, Chair of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. “To make sure we achieve our goals, we need a single leader to guide and coordinate our efforts, and Tiana has the ideal skill set to oversee this exceptionally complex mission.”

Chief Executive Officer Hamai added: “This is a multifaceted effort with many partners. As we line up hundreds of temporary housing units, we also need to make sure we have the staff and essential supplies at each of the sites to make sure we are operating safely and efficiently. Tiana will be leading the way on every aspect of this effort.”

Murillo’s assignment as Temporary Supervisory Administrator is effective immediately and is expected to last 120 days.

Murillo, a graduate of Stanford and Columbia Law School, joined the County in 2014. Before being appointed in December 2019 to her current role as Assistant Chief Executive Officer over the Strategic Integration Branch, she served as a key member of the Probation Department’s Executive Team where she provided leadership to administrative operations and various departmental strategic projects and initiatives. Most recently, she served as an Assistant County Counsel over the Property Division, providing guidance and legal services on land use planning, property transactions and property management. In that role she led the office’s Homelessness Legal Team.

“This assignment is a big challenge—not just for me personally but for all of the hardworking County staff and partners who are already making a profound difference under difficult circumstances,” Murillo said. “I look forward to harnessing our collective efforts and bringing people together to make sure we are accomplishing together what no one entity could accomplish alone.”

County of Los Angeles, Chief Executive Office, Office of Emergency Management

For questions, please contact the L.A. County Joint Information Center - COVID-19 at

Public Health Issues Order to Prohibit Group Events and Gatherings 1024 512 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Public Health Issues Order to Prohibit Group Events and Gatherings

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